The total absence of any system of real estate education in India has been affecting the quality of human resources available to this sector. Therefore IDS National Institute of Real Estate Management (IDS NIREM), established by the Industry Development Society for Real Estate, has taken initiative to develop professionals dedicated to real estate sector.
With the meteoritic growth in property and real estate business during last few years, the real estate sector became more complex in structure and more international in scope. This new structure of real estate business has in turn created the acute shortage of trained real estate professionals who can manage the business efficiently. This shortage of professionals also highlights the need for specialised real estate education in India . Incidentally, in India there is neither any system of real estate education nor any real estate courses, even though the sector contributes significantly to the national GDP and is the second largest employer.
On the other hand, Indian real estate industry leaders including top real estate developers, multinational real estate consultants, housing finance institutions etc have repeatedly aired their concern at the total absence of courses in real estate in India . The total absence of real estate management courses or any systematic education procedure to develop career in real estate is visibly affecting the quality of human resources available to the Indian property market. Also, though real estate is one of the largest employers and there are thousands of vacancies at different levels and in different areas, developers are forced to spend huge time and money on recruitment and training of candidates from other sectors. Moreover, once trained, these people leave immediately for better opportunities and therefore the cycle of spending time and money on recruitment and training of candidates from other sectors continues for developers and other employers.
In view of the above situation, IDS National Institute of Real Estate Management (IDS NIREM),, has launched real estate education programs in the areas of real estate sales & brokerage management, marketing, appraisal, valuation, finance, investment, facilities management etc. According to the institute, at present it is offering all courses through distance learning mode and by the end of the year full time programs will be launched.
NIREM is currently admitting fresh students and real estate professionals for its PG Diploma program in real estate sales and agency management. This is a one-year distance learning program, launched in order to create a pool of human resource, committed to serve the real estate sector. These trained professionals, due to their commitment and specialization in real estate, will serve real estate companies for long duration, contrary to others who leave as soon as they get next opportunity.
Post Graduate Diploma Program in Real Estate Sales & Agency Management (PGD-RESAM) is the first such specialised real estate sales & marketing course offered in the country. Property market analysts also attribute launch of this specialised courses to qualitative growth of Indian real estate market and its movement towards next level from the nascent stage.
The course objective is to provide the participants with thorough knowledge and practical skills to plan & execute successful sales & leasing strategies for different types of properties, plan & manage real estate agencies and carry out basic appraisal.
This high impact, industry-driven and employment-oriented program offers both the fresh graduates who intend to pursue a career in real estate and the working professionals, an unequaled educational growth and career advancement opportunity. For further information, please visit