The biggest challenge that I often come across is “how do I find the right people to speak to at a company, who can help?” I’ve tried everything possible viz. going through LinkedIn, Jigsaw, scouring multiple local data providers, company websites, etc. The one common thing across all these is the immensity of data that I’m faced with. Once I have the right data, I then need to organize it together and start looking for some sort of connection to these people. It used to take me anything between 1-2 days to gather my data set, and then start calling people.
InsideView is one source where I can get everything I need at one place. Its smart search abilities allow me to narrow down my companies based on specific criteria, track companies, and the best part is it tells me the people I’m connected to at my target accounts.
We’ve all seen the overflow of data across multiple social and professional networks. It’s not difficult anymore to find people, but it’s still a mammoth task to find out a good connection to those people. InsideView’s Smart Connections help you uncover relationships that you didn’t know existed. It’s a simple three-step process:
1. Put in your list of existing clients (reference customers)
2. Put in your previous employments
3. Search for and open any company record in InsideView
4. Voila!
Your connections are right there on the first page. Want to go down deep and find out more detailed level of connections? Just click through the people that it shows you’re connected to. Want even more? you’ve got it. InsideView partners with some of the most popular social and professional networks to bring together everything you need. You can look up people you’re connected to through your LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, all while staying within your InsideView or your CRM pages. The best part of it all is that none of your personal data gets displayed to anyone else, yet allows you to optimize your resources, while respecting everyone’s privacy.
Everyone wants something more, something’s always missing in everything. I can’t deny that there may be a situation when despite everything, you still can’t find that one guy. Just because you can’t, doesn’t mean your BOD, or your colleagues can’t either. InsideView will not only help you uncover direct relationships, but also the ones that your other team members or your senior leadership can generate for you. InsideView maximizes its immense database and smart technology to connect the dots between your colleagues, senior management, and shows you the people you can use as a reference point.
Gone are the days of granddaddy methods of selling. InsideView has ushered in a whole new era of Sales Intelligence, Sales 2.0. InsideView has long been doing breakthrough work by integrating cutting edge technology, artificial intelligence, user entered content, and managed to bring it all together in a logical and actionable manner. Sign in to your InsideView account today, and start connecting.
Check out this related Post too: http://blog.insideview.com/2010/04/27/connecting-the-dots-how-sales-2-0-can-help-you-connect-with-prospects/
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